Pride of Me 私たちが創る未来
Room 1
Pride of Me わたしにできること
To our visitors My Pride: What I Can Do

壁面いっぱいに広がる、緑豊かな広島のまち。70年間草木も生えないと言われた焦土からの復興の裏には、数多の企業や市井の人々による尽力がありました。出口には「Pride of Me」をテーマに「私に何ができるだろう」と問いかけるインタビュー動画や、スマートフォンを使いインタラクティブにメッセージを送れる仕掛けも。


To our visitors My Pride: What I Can Do The lush, green city of Hiroshima stretches out across the entire wall. The recovery of our city from a burnt plain where it was said that nothing green would grow for 70 years was thanks to the hard work of numerous local companies and the people of Hiroshima.
At the My Pride exhibit near the exit, you’ll find video interviews asking what can be done for peace and an interactive exhibit where you can send messages of peace using your smartphone!

Room 2
Room 2
1945.8.6 - 1945.12.31


Recovery & Reconstruction: Desperately Saving Lives Right in Front of Our Eyes

This first exhibit room tracks what happened in Hiroshima beginning directly after the atomic bombing through to the rest of the year. The people of our city were determined to do what they could: reporters left records and electricity, banking, newspaper publication, and streetcar service all returned just three days after the bombing, despite the catastrophic circumstances.

Creative by buzzCrow Inc.
Room 3
Room 3
1946 ‐ 1957


Restoring Our Lives, City & Joy

Life begins to return to the city with the restoration of infrastructure necessary for day-to-day living. Food, clothing, and shelter become available. Urban functions and the flow of goods resume, and finally, the citizens are able to reclaim their joy. The birth of Hiroshima’s beloved baseball team, the Hiroshima Carp, would happen a mere four years after the atomic bombing.

Creative by buzzCrow Inc.
Room 4
Room 4
1958 - 1975


City Expanding Economic Recovery & Emerging Development

Together with the rapid economic growth of Japan, Hiroshima’s recovery progressed dramatically. In answer to the question of preservation or destruction, a movement arose to preserve the Atomic Bomb Dome. Retail stores reached new heights of prosperity thanks to increased purchasing power. The rise of passenger cars brought expanded opportunities and livelihoods, and stores grew in size.

Creative by buzzCrow Inc.
Room 5
1976 - 2024
Hiroshima’s Roots & Path to Becoming an International Peace Culture City


How was Hiroshima able to recover so quickly? Discover the origins of Hiroshima’s adventurous pioneer spirit by delving into the roots of industry in our city. Take a look back at how we became an International Peace Culture City, as well as the part that companies participating in the exhibition played in each era.

Creative by Chameleon-works
Room 6
Room 6
2024 - 2045


The Future We Create

Watch a PR video filmed in Hiroshima that features the many services offered by companies that supported the recovery of Hiroshima, which continue to bring color to our lives. Thanks to the peace we currently enjoy and with gratitude for the tireless effort and work put in by our ancestors in our hearts, we renew our resolve for the future.

Creative by Life Market
Room 6
Room 6 My Pride of Hiroshima展

あなた自身の「Pride of Hiroshima」を表現する物品・作品を、その物語とともに展示してみませんか?あなた自身やご家族の「復興の物語」をお聞かせください。 「平和への祈り」「未来への想い」をテーマに製作された工芸・アート作品を通じて、広島ゆかりの若手作家の紹介も行います。

My Pride of Hiroshima Exhibit (Submissions from the Public)

Exhibit your own Pride of Hiroshima item and tell your story (or your family’s story) of recovery.
Here, we also introduce young artists with connections to Hiroshima through their craft works and art created with the themes of prayers for peace and thoughts for the future.

初回展示 - Inaugural Exhibition
《絲と朝やけ》/ 平浜あかり
祈りを紡ぐシリーズとして、飛び立つ鳥を抽象化した図案を綴織(つづれおり)で表現したもの。自らが染色した糸を撚り合わせ、綴織などのタピスリを織っている。現在、広島市立大学大学院芸術学研究科博士後期課程 在籍中。広島の戦前/戦後の生命の交差を織物で表す研究と制作を行う。1992年広島生まれ。
Threads and Sunrise / Akari Hirahama
Part of her Weaving Prayers series, Hirahama expresses an abstract version of a bird in flight through tapestry.Born in Hiroshima in 1992, Hirahama is currently a doctoral student at Hiroshima City University’s Graduate School of the Arts. She creates tsuzureori tapestry pieces by twisting threads that she dyed herself together. Hirahama is currently working on researching and creating pieces that express the intersection of life in pre- and post-war Hiroshima.
Room 1
Room 1 EXIT
a Bouquet of Words


Word to Flower

Interactive content that abstractly represents the facility will be installed at the entrance and exit of Pride of Hiroshima. After touring the exhibits from the perspective of companies that worked hard to rebuild after the atomic bombing, at the exit we asked them to put their feelings into words. abstract words By replacing it with a "flower" graphic, we hope to leave a lasting impression on this place.

Creative by CENSA inc
Room 1


Large-as-Life: Words from Hiroshima Citizens

made me wonder if there was something I could do to help. This is something I would like us all to consider together.
Watch and listen as dyer Ran Katashima, paddle boarder Ryūji Nishikawa, and long-time resident of Hiroshima Paul Walsh discuss their thoughts on peace. You’ll also find a booklet created by based on these interviews on display.

Creative by Life Market
Room 1


The Sound of Footsteps Across the Ages

At an intersection that connects the day of the bombing in 1945, the future that we’ll create in 2045, and today, what will we think as we watch the people pass us by over the span of 100 years?

復興に尽力した企業に残る約80年前からの資料をもとに、広島ゆかりのクリエイターの視点で再編集された常設展示。空間・映像・音楽の細部までこだわった新しい「Pride of Hiroshima展」を、ぜひ現地にてご体感ください。
Divide the footprints of the era related to reconstruction into six categories Please take a look at the "Pride of Hiroshiima" exhibition, a place where you can get a sense of the recovery through the perspective of creators living in Hiroshima, based on documents from 80 years ago that remain at companies that worked hard for the recovery.




I lived each day to the fullest.
To get her life back
To get your smile back.

We encouraged each other, supported each other, and helped each other.
I should be able to do something myself.
The thoughts of those left behind They gradually became connected.
Hiroshima has lost so much,
A ray of hope was beginning to shine.



That time,
In a city that has lost a lot,
Nowadays, there is a lot of greenery and smiles.

But living in this city
we haven't forgotten.
The miracle of peace.
The progress we have made.
With that feeling in mind,
Living in the present.




Living in Hiroshima.
The heart of each person is
connection, connection,
Getting bigger and stronger.

I wish for peace,
From this city where we live,
To the world, to the future.

Because I have feelings that I need to deliver.