The spread of Okonomiyaki and Otafuku Sauce around the world
Gaining in popularity during the postwar reconstruction, Hiroshima Okonomiyaki became popular as an iconic food for the people of Hiroshima, and along with Okonomiyaki from the Kansai region, it has grown to be eaten all over Japan. Okonomiyaki is not only nutritionally balanced with flour and vegetables, but is also a borderless food that can be made anywhere around the world with ingredients that match the local culture and tastes. Otafuku Sauce Co., Ltd., a manufacturer of Okonomiyaki sauce, celebrated its 100 year anniversary in 2022 and now exports it to over 55 countries around the world. It has also established factories in the United States, China and Malaysia, spreading the popularity of Okonomiyaki worldwide. Small moments of happiness around the dinner table help to create a future where that happiness is spread far and wide around the world.
Iconic food for the people of Hiroshima, Hiroshima Okonomiyaki
復興に尽力した企業に残る80年前からの資料を基に、広島在住のクリエイターの視点を介し復興を感じ取る場「Pride of Hiroshima」の展示を現地でご覧ください。
Divide the footprints of the era related to reconstruction into six categories
Please take a look at the "Pride of Hiroshima" exhibition, a place where you can get a sense of the recovery through the perspective of creators living in Hiroshima, based on documents from 80 years ago that remain at companies that worked hard for the recovery.