Bringing Joy and Happiness to Our Customers' Tables
Hiroshima shortly after World War II. The Andersen Group was founded in 1948 with the aspiration of “offering people truly delicious breads” even during a time of severe food shortages. In taking rationed flour and processing it into bread we sought to live up to our ambition of “bringing joy and happiness to our customer’s tables” while improving their diets and culinary culture.
The Takaki Bakery Hijiyama Factory (circa 1953)
Round top bread (circa 1953)
The Imperial Bank after the atomic bombing (1945)
The A-bombed building transformed and restored as Hiroshima Andersen (1967)
A Hygge Life that Begins with Bread
In this historic building that survived the atomic bombing and was originally built to house a bank, Hiroshima Andersen developed new creations. As the flagship store of the Andersen Group, we offer breads, flowers, wine, delicatessen items, a restaurant, and cultural lessons, etc., with the hope of enriching the daily lives of people through the enjoyment of bread.
Hiroshima Andersen
Little Mermaid Hiroshima Shiyakusho-mae shop, in front of the City Hall
Andersen SaPoRe Atsuta Fushimidōri Street shop
Takaki Bakery’s stone oven baked bread series
Promoting Lifestyle Beyond Produts
The Andersen Group founded in Hiroshima shortly after World War II and beloved by the local community and beyond. We will continue to strive to fulfill and enrich the lives of our customers through bread for the next 100 to 200 years.
高木俊介メモリアル アンデルセン芸北100年農場(2004年~)
Takaki Shunsuke Memorial Andersen Geihoku 100-year Farm (2004 to the present)
復興に尽力した企業に残る80年前からの資料を基に、広島在住のクリエイターの視点を介し復興を感じ取る場「Pride of Hiroshima」の展示を現地でご覧ください。
Divide the footprints of the era related to reconstruction into six categories
Please take a look at the "Pride of Hiroshima" exhibition, a place where you can get a sense of the recovery through the perspective of creators living in Hiroshima, based on documents from 80 years ago that remain at companies that worked hard for the recovery.