To Rebuild the Local Community, we Re-opened for Business Two Days after the Atomic Bomb was Detonated
Geibi Bank (predecessor of Hiroshima Bank) lost 144 executives and workers in an instant on that day with nearly all other surviving employees suffering injuries. The bank borrowed part of the burnt-out remnants of the Bank of Japan to re-open for business on August 8, two days after the detonation of the atomic bomb. Even amidst the intensely chaotic conditions, the bank made it a top priority to reassure and serve the needs of the people in its role as a financial institution. The remaining staff, still in blood-stained shirts and bandages, paid depositors whose account books and seals had all been destroyed by fire by accepting just a thumb print and written pledge as they mobbed the teller windows. In the chaotic times after the war, the bank continued to emotionally support and encourage the people of a burned-out Hiroshima in its role as a local financial institution.
復帰後の藝備銀行 本店ロビー
Head office lobby of Geibi Bank after reconstrution
Newspaper ad soon after the war
Head office of Geibi Bank standing amidst the rubble (left)
Current head office building at the same location
ひろしま美術館は、創業100周年を迎えた広島銀行の記念事業として、1978年11月3日に開館しました。原爆の劫火によって廃墟と化した広島で、平和文化都市の建設をH指して復興の道を歩むなか、久しく求められていたのは、心の喜びとやすらぎの場でした。人々の希求に応える香り高い美の殿堂として誕生したひろしま美術館は、“愛とやすらぎのために”をテ ー マに、印象派を中心としたフランス近代美術をはじめ、日本洋圃、日本両などを所蔵しています。今日の広島の礎となられた原爆犠牲者の方々への鎖魂の祈りと平和への願いがこめられた美術館です。
For Love and Peace
The Hiroshima Museum of Art opened on November 3, 1978. It was established by Hiroshima Bank to commemorate its 100th anniversary. The Hiroshima city was reduced to ashes in an instant by the atomic-bomb, the museum opened after more than ten years of planning in response to people's wish for a venue for high-quality fine arts. With the theme "Love and Peace", the museum's collection includes the French modern art, focusing on the Impressionist, and the Japanese modern art. It reflects a prayer for the repose of the souls of the atomic-bomb victims who laid the foundation for the city and a desire for peace.
復興に尽力した企業に残る80年前からの資料を基に、広島在住のクリエイターの視点を介し復興を感じ取る場「Pride of Hiroshima」の展示を現地でご覧ください。
Divide the footprints of the era related to reconstruction into six categories
Please take a look at the "Pride of Hiroshima" exhibition, a place where you can get a sense of the recovery through the perspective of creators living in Hiroshima, based on documents from 80 years ago that remain at companies that worked hard for the recovery.